Performance Metrics Framework

Delivers KPIs, trends, and other performance data about your real estate, infrastructure and facilities operations and their finances

    •    Obtain a balanced-scorecard view of portfolio health and align it with organizational strategy
    •    Gain a comprehensive overview of facility processes with drill-downs
    •    Manage leased and owned space more cost-effectively with intelligent analytics
    •    Lower operational costs and improve return on net assets and cash flow with facility performance metrics

Performance Metrics Framework

ARCHIBUS Performance Metrics pro­vides detailed graphical views of real estate and facilities management performance statistics and leverages drill-downs, alerts and other aids

Effective portfolio and operations management is a challenge without accurate metrics to guide decision-making. The ARCHIBUS Performance Metrics Framework is part of the ARCHIBUS business intelligence platform that helps owners, tenants and outsourcing service providers quantify real prop­erty portfolio performance from occupancy, operational and financial perspectives. Support and line managers can overview organizational processes at-a-glance and stay in control of real estate transactions, capital projects, and facilities. Using key performance indicators (KPIs), trend summaries, alerts, drill-down capabilities for more detailed analyses, as well as other analytical measures and productivity tools, decision-makers can align their portfolio spend to organizational strategy, spotlight underper­forming business units or assets, and benchmark organizational progress to achieve targeted goals.